Our Services

Trinity Episcopal Church has two services each Sunday: the 9:00 a.m. service is a traditional Eucharist service where children and adults take an active role in the ministries of worship. Children serve as acolytes, and adults of the congregation serve as lay readers, chalice bearers during communion, ushers, and greeters. The Trinity choir leads us in traditional hymns. Garrett DeLaCerda directs our choir, and is our organist. The 11:15 a.m. Celebration Eucharist is a contemporary music service. Lay people assist The Rev. Meredith Crigler and The Rev. Micki Rios at these services. Lay people  serve as layreader and ushers. During the 11:15 a.m. services a special Children's Chapel is provided for children ages three through seven. Children begin services with their parents in the sanctuary. After the Prayer of the Day, children are led to the chapel area in the Christian Education room. Children's Chapel provides a more child-oriented opportunity for children to hear the Gospel, sing songs, and have an interactive sermon where they can discuss and ask questions. Children delight in hearing Bible stories, praying and singing in a service designed especially for them. They are reunited with their parents in the sanctuary in time for the Eucharist.

We offer Morning Prayer every Tuesday at  9am led by different lay ministers.

There is also a Wednesday evening healing service from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. Prayers are offered for people when specifically asked. We do this because each person and situation is known to God, not as a problem to be solved, but as a focus for His acceptance and love.